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My brain is broken. Only a little broken, but broken nonetheless.

This past weekend as we were returning from a camping trip, we stopped in Winter Park, CO for dinner. As I was navigating some stairs to take our pups to a back deck, our 50+ lbs puppy saw another dog. She turned and pulled me down the stairs, where I had an intimate encounter between my face and some empty kegs on the landing (yes, we need to do more training with the dog).

I spent Sunday night and much of Monday in the hospital. Shout out to the great staff at St. Anthony’s Centura Health in Lakewood, CO–I was well-cared for. It could have been much worse. I have a bruised knee, bruised ribs, and a face that looks like I came out on the wrong side of a bar fight–one swollen and purple eye, stitches in my eyebrow, lip, and chin (not posting a picture).

And a mild-to-moderate concussion. My brain is broken. And this is HARD.

My memory of certain events is coming back. But there are holes, especially from Thursday and Friday. I know I keep asking my husband the same questions. And I keep having to go back and check my sent mail to confirm my communication regarding meetings for this week I had to cancel.

My brain generally operates at a pretty quick clip. Having to slow down and root around in my memory and ask for help for THINGS I SHOULD KNOW is really, really, really hard.

So I’m going to practice what I preach to others. I’m going to give myself grace. I’m going to ask others for help, and patience. I’m going to let my brain rest more than I work it. I’ll allocate brain time to the important client work I have and push off the rest. And I’ll sleep.

Meaning, I won’t be as active with blogging and on LinkedIn while I give myself some time to heal. While I’ve come to love the community here, I can take a break, and it will be here when my brain is ready. For that, I’m grateful.

Here’s to listening to our inner wisdom and treating ourselves with care. Can you relate? Talk to me.


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