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We’re all made up of many parts.

  • Which of your parts are the drivers of your emotions and behavior?
  • How might you have balance to the other parts?

Now you can start to explore these ideas with the help of a newly published book, Part of Me by Paul Wyman, the founder of Inner Team Dialogue.

Last year I completed training on the Inner Team Dialogue (ITD) coaching methodology, built on the clinical modality of Internal Family Systems (IFS).

ITD is a powerful and accessible way of exploring the many parts of who you are, how those parts drive your thinking and behaviors, and how to work with your parts to get out of your own way.

We're all made of many parts | 110 West Group | Cynthia Farrell

The training alone had such an impact on me that I chose to work with Paul as my professional coach.

I needed help getting out of my own way with my business. Working with Paul, digging into my parts via ITD, helped me uncover barriers I had in place to my own effectiveness, and work I needed to do to deconstruct narratives that I created to protect me but now were limiting my potential.

As I said to my husband, “I’ve been doing the work for years of unpacking my crap, and now I picked up some rocks only to find underneath them some more work to do.”

I’ve also been integrating ITD in work with my coaching clients, and the results are transformative.

I’m so excited that Paul’s new book is now available on Amazon to anyone who wants to begin to explore ITD. In this book, you’ll learn the foundations of your “inner team,” explore all of the various casts of characters, and take action to start to let your Inner Leader lead your team.

And of course, if you’re ready to do parts work, there are a number of trained ITD coaches–including me!–who would love to work with you

Congratulations Paul on putting your work out into the world, and thank you for making this powerful approach available to all!

#executivecoaching #innerleader #leadership

Looking for an ITD coach? Let’s talk.

Looking to increase the cohesion, trust, and impact of your leadership team? Reach out and let’s discuss The Compass Team Experience and how I can help.

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