How are you extending compassion today, in your actions, words, or even just your thoughts?
Every once in a while a Facebook (i.e. the real Facebook, not the “adult Facebook” as my husband likes to call LinkedIn) memory pops up that brings warmth and gives me pause.
This story and visual, from Feb 28, 2020 (crazy to think what would happen in the world soon after), came up today.
As I reflect on some of the conversations I’ve had in the past few days, it’s as relevant today as it was then. It’s relevant every day.
February 28, 2020
Yesterday afternoon a stranger crabbed at me about something benign. I didn’t have the energy to respond, and decided instead to try to hold her in grace and compassion, as she was obviously unhappy about far more than me. But it was the capstone to a really rough sequence of days, and it upset me all evening.
It was still on my mind this morning when I popped into a donut shop because dammit, I deserved a donut. I got into a friendly conversation with the guy ahead of me. We discussed our reasons for being there for donuts: he was buying for the office, and I said I was treating myself because it had been a rough week. When he went up to order, he said “And I want to buy a donut for this lady here because she’s having a rough week.”
Brendan’s (I asked his name) kindness and compassion made my day, erased my pain over the previous day’s events, and shifted my headspace. I will never forget our brief encounter and shared moment of humanity. He likely has no idea of how big of an impact he had.
Compassion extended. Compassion received. We need more of that both ways.
Compassion can be a kind word. A big gesture. A small one (like a donut). It can be not snapping back at someone because they snapped at you. Assuming positive intent. Listening intensely. Or just holding space.
We all could use a little more compassion and kindness in our lives, and that includes our colleagues and teams.
How are you extending compassion today?
And if you’re in need of a little compassion, like I was today 4 years ago, drop me a note. I’ve got you.

Hey there, I’m Cynthia. I’m a leadership team whisperer, executive coach, and speaker. I guide leadership teams in high-growth companies to achieve rapid growth in a healthy, sustainable way. I coach senior leaders to discover the path to lead with ease.
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