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You know what’s bringing me joy today?

Connecting awesome people.

In the past 24ish hours, I’ve made 4 or 5 connections between people, with a few more suggested. All of these connections are incredible people whom I think would benefit from knowing other incredible people in my network.

In some cases it’s related to something specific; in others, it’s just a general “You two should know each other.”

Of course, I always do it with respect for both parties, asking for permission (let’s be honest–the unsolicited introduction can feel like a burden, and that’s coming from someone who loves meeting new people).

Why does this bring me joy?
Because I’m playing to my strengths and operating in my zone of genius.

I’ve long known that connecting people and ideas is one of my superpowers, validated through the StandOut assessment. I’ve taken it twice, 5 years apart, and both times the consistent strength was “Connector.” To quote from the report: “Connectors are catalysts. Their power lies in their craving to put two things together to make something bigger than it is now.”

Two people. Two ideas. Two frameworks. Or more than two!

Connecting brings me joy because when I’m doing it, I’m playing to my strengths.

That supports the idea I’ve been exploring with my coach: I’m at my best and work feels effortless when I’m facilitating a group process with a leadership team. It’s exhausting in the best way and brings incredible joy because I’m connecting ideas and people, operating as a catalyst for what’s to come.

Playing in your strengths is easier when you’re clear on what they are. When you know what brings you joy and energy, you can make choices that enable you to spend more time in your zone of genius and joy.

How do you get clear on your strengths? Some of the approaches I’ve used:

  • Building self-awareness, especially somatically
  • Asking for feedback on when you’ve shown up at your best
  • Assessments
  • Coaching

The crux is that when we’re playing in our strengths and experiencing joy in our work, the beauty is that we’re working with ease.

What’s one of your superpowers, and how are you using it today?

Hey there, I’m Cynthia. I’m a leadership team whispererexecutive coach, and speaker. I guide leadership teams in high-growth companies to achieve rapid growth in a healthy, sustainable way. I coach senior leaders to discover the path to lead with ease.

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