Nothing beats knowing you’ve made an impact doing the work you’re passionate about.
Two weeks ago I wrapped up a year-long coaching engagement with a client, and she gave me this mug.
I’ve been drinking out of it nearly every day, and taking its message to heart.

As a team performance and leadership coach, I’m passionate about helping leaders step into their full leadership potential.
The impact of my work is often intangible, and understanding it comes from hearing the reflection and stories of mindset and leadership shifts that benefit the individuals, their teams, and their organizations.
- It’s hearing a coaching client say that the work we’re doing around overcoming perfectionism is reducing his self-induced stress levels both at work and at home.
- It’s listening to a team I coach holding themselves and each other accountable in a productive and supportive way because I’ve given them language to do so.
- It’s a coaching client who came into the engagement thinking she wasn’t cut out to lead, now saying “I am a good leader, and I’ve got this!”
- It’s a leadership development cohort brainstorming how they can lead by example to role model the techniques they’ve learned up, down and across the organization.
- And for the coaching client who gave me this mug, it’s hearing her articulate her leadership brand, and to have that reinforced by her leaders.
The mug is the rare piece of tangible impact, and silly as it might be, I’m grateful for it and taking its message to heart.
It’s a physical reminder anytime I need it of the impact I have.
We all have an impact on others. Every day, we get to choose what that impact will be.
I beat a drum on here to remind you to tell people of the positive impact they have on you.
Here’s another reminder: Think of a leader who is awesome in your life, and tell them.
It doesn’t have to be on a mug. A text, an email, a call. Tell them they’re awesome and the impact they have.
Trust me–it will make their day.
(PS–You’re awesome too. 😊)
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