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Enhancing collaboration sounds like a great idea.
But how do you actually do it?
You might be tempted to:

  • Create more channels (and more channels) in Slack, and require responses within a specific amount of time. (Because everyone loves having their time micromanaged.)
  • Schedule a weekly meeting where everyone reports “progress” – aka talks ad nauseum about their individual metrics that show activity but not impact. (And everyone not talking multitasks.)
  • Implement a new project management tool. (Because you don’t have enough already.)

These activities don’t address your problem at the root.

Addressing the problem at the root doesn’t require more tools, weekly meetings, or emails.

Instead, you need to create a culture where your team knows how and when to:

  • Ask for help.
  • Offer help.
  • Leverage each other’s strengths.
  • Fill in for each other’s gaps.

The catch: You cannot just tell them to do this. They need to engage in the team development work to get there.

Your team must be part of the process, and you have to provide the time and space for it to happen.

If you’re not quite sure where to get started, check out my guide, The 4 Cardinal Directions to Healthy, Sustainable Growth. My guide outlines two actions you can take to build a culture of succeeding as a team.


Hey there, I’m Cynthia. I’m a leadership team whispererexecutive coach, and speaker. I guide leadership teams in high-growth companies to achieve rapid growth in a healthy, sustainable way. I coach senior leaders to discover the path to lead with ease.

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