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What are the implications when only 44% of C-suite peers trust each other to a great extent?

That metric is one of the findings in a new report out on workplace trust by PwC.

The report goes on to say:

“For employees to feel trusted, it’s crucial for the members of the C-suite to trust each other. Only then can trust fully spread throughout the organization, fostering a culture of openness and collaboration. In addition, a lack of trust at the highest level can potentially lead to other issues affecting the ability of the business to decide on and follow through on the company strategy.”

Well, duh.

And how do you build trust? By getting to know one another and building relationships. As the report says, “People don’t trust what [who] they don’t know.”

And yet, too many C-suite leaders resist taking the time to build relationships on the team. “There’s too much to do, we’re moving too fast, there is too much at stake!”

Yeah, there’s a lot at stake alright. Like your business results if you don’t take the time to build relationships and trust in your C-suite team.

One of the best ways to quickly accelerate your team’s trust and results is through intentional time spent together to get real, get vulnerable, and collaborate on the business.

This means getting out of your physical space and working with an expert to architect and facilitate your experience to ensure impactful outcomes (no kumbaya and trust falls).

But so many leaders don’t want to take the time, “We can’t take that much time away from our daily work!” or spend the money.

As my fellow expert facilitator Nataliya Becker said in her LinkedIn post, leaders resist spending thousands on an intensive team experience that will drive the business forward, yet will risk (and likely miss out on) millions by not making that time and monetary investment.

The PwC report goes into a wide array of findings regarding trust in the workplace, but this metric on C-suite trust is what stuck out to me.


Because trust starts at the top. And if your C-suite doesn’t trust each other, what hope does the rest of the company have?

If you’re ready to build true trust on your team, and pave the way to healthy, sustainable growth, reach out and let’s talk. (Or reach out to Nataliya!)

Hey there! I’m a leadership team whispererexecutive coach, and speaker. I guide leadership teams in high-growth companies to achieve rapid growth in a healthy, sustainable way. I coach senior leaders to discover the path to lead with ease.

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