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It’s fascinating how utterly unexpected life can be when you’re open to new experiences.

I took an unplanned break from blogging and from LinkedIn the past 2 months. I’ve been on here and there, but when I had time to spare, I just wasn’t drawn to the platforms.

So I decided to roll with it and trust I’d know when it was time to re-engage.

What have I been up to the last 2 months?


  • Booked 3 executive team retreats for this fall–I can’t wait to spend time with these leaders, all from different industries, leveraging tools like the Leadership Circle BRITE team assessment and Collective Leadership Assessment to build team effectiveness.
  • Facilitated 360s with C- and VP-level leaders who humble me with their willingness to take feedback and lean into their growth.
  • Continued coaching engagements with 2 female leaders who have vastly different personalities yet share traits of compassion, accountability, and strength.
  • Facilitated an in-person workshop with a leadership development cohort I’ve worked with for the past 6 months. It was the first time we met in person, and their energy and commitment was infectious.
  • Started preparing for 2 upcoming speaking gigs this fall: COSHRM and DisruptHR NoCo (Northern Colorado).
  • Expanded my engagement with a client who needed HR leadership support, stepping into a fractional CHRO role. That was NOT on my bingo card for 2024!
  • Wrote the introduction and a chapter of my book, getting it ready for a book proposal.
  • Brought on Lisa Lemenille as my incredible Operations Lead! Lisa and I have worked together in two previous roles, and she knows how my brain works. I am so grateful to have her on board–I don’t know why I waited so long!


  • Drove to Billings, MT and bought a new-to-use (used) camper, a 2021 Lance 1995.
  • Logged a lot of hiking miles.
  • Went camping 3 times (only once with the new camper).
  • Saw 5 moose and almost hit one with our car.
  • Did my civic duty with one day of jury duty.
  • Taught a lot of yoga.

Yesterday I was back in action when I spoke to the leadership group at Holland & Hart LLP on on of my favorite topics: Emotional intelligence.

We explored the connection between EQ and team engagement, including:

  • How self-awareness and self-management and foundational EQ skills help to step into your authentic leadership;
  • That authentic leadership is proven to build trust on teams;
  • That trust in the leader is required for psychological safety;
  • And that psychological safety has a direct impact on engagement–and performance.

Thank you for your attention and engagement!

Yep, it’s been a busy summer. I feel ready to get back at it with LinkedIn and blogging and have plans for how to do so in a way that both brings value to these communities and is sustainable for me. I look forward to connecting with you all here and on LinkedIn!

Looking to increase the cohesion, trust, and impact of your leadership team? Reach out and let’s discuss The Compass Team Experience and how I can help.

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