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Here’s one of the most important lessons I’ve learned about how to ensure I spend my time operating in my zone of genius:

If I’m not an expert at something that I need to do, it’s 100% worth it to work with someone who IS an expert.

Early this year, I did just that and worked with Ariel Curry as my book coach.

Ariel worked with me to craft a map and plan for my leadership book, and the experience was invaluable.

I’ve actually started writing the book, and the map and plan make it easy for me to sit down and just start writing.

Without it, I honestly wouldn’t know where to start or what to put on the page. But with the map and plan as a jumping-off point, I can crank out a few thousand words in a handful of hours.

Ariel recently moved to a full-time role as an acquisitions editor with a publisher, but you can still learn from her through her just-published book, Hungry Authors.

I pre-ordered the book a few months ago and was excited to come home from my travels this week to find it in my stack of mail.

In the book, Ariel and her co-author Liz Morrow provide a practical roadmap for ideating, planning, writing, and publishing a book, along with a wealth of other tips on navigating the publishing industry.

If you’ve ever thought about writing a non-fiction book, grab this guide to give you a foundation from which to start. And also check out their podcast!

Congratulations Ariel and Liz on bringing this book into the world! You’re going to help so many Hungry Authors birth their own books through your genius!

Looking to increase the cohesion, trust, and impact of your leadership team? Reach out and let’s discuss The Compass Team Experience and how I can help.

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