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It’s hard to believe that 5 years ago today I plucked up my courage and threw away the “I’m not a risk-taker” story I’d long told myself.

And incorporated my business.

What an incredible journey it’s been.

Today marks the five year anniversary of 110 West Group.

Five Year Anniversary | 110 West Group | Cynthia Farrell

It’s a little surreal.

Over the past 5 years, I’ve:

  • Shifted from taking whatever work I was capable of to focusing on the work I love: advising and coaching leaders and executive teams.
  • Been supported and encouraged by the many leaders I worked with and for over my corporate career, who have brought me in or referred me on, trusting deeply in my expertise.
  • Built an executive coaching business filled with kind, curious, big-hearted leaders willing to do the hard work.
  • Work/ed closely with incredible leadership teams, all with their unique challenges, all well-intended and committed. And fun–so fun, and that matters.
  • Expanded my network to include innumerable Very Awesome People: corporate professionals, coaches, and consultants who are exceedingly giving with their time and wisdom.
  • Deepened my knowledge through multiple certifications, both to feed my love of learning and to better support the leaders who trust me with their professional development.
  • Spoken to rooms large and small, in-person and virtual, sharing my thought leadership on leadership, teams, and culture.
  • Started writing a book! Current working title:

Leading With Ease: Develop Awareness, Build Relationships, and Show up as the Leader You Want to Be

Through it all, I have been gifted with the trust and partnership of my clients, wonderful people who are a joy to work with and who have become friends.

Trust me: I’ve had plenty of what I call my “wobble moments,” when I think that I should head back to the security of a corporate role. I’ve worked through those with the support of the other solopreneuers I’m lucky to have as partners and friends, and a few great coaches along the way.

Five years in, I can say with confidence that what I love most about being independent is:

  • I choose my work, so I can focus on what aligns with my passions.
  • I choose my clients, so that I work with people I trust, like, learn from and laugh with.
  • I embrace flexibility, from midday hikes with the pup to morning SUP on the lake to my favorite, the afternoon nap.

My word for 2024 is Expansiveness in my life and business. I’m experiencing that in spades this year, and this business anniversary is another highlight.

To each of you who have supported me in some way on this journey, thank you isn’t enough. 🙏

I can’t wait to see what’s ahead.

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