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Here’s a little reminder for you—and for myself—that some days it’s ok to show up as the Minimum Viable Product version of yourself so that you can show up as your best self another day.

In my work with leaders, I often remind them that every day you cast a leadership shadow, and every day you get to choose what shape and texture that shadow takes.

Today I’m in beautiful Keystone, CO to speak at the Colorado SHRM conference, where this afternoon I’ll share a unique approach to defining your employee value proposition (EVP).

The Minimum Viable Product Version of Yourself | 110 West Group | Cynthia Farrell

This comes after a few months that have been incredibly busy professionally and what we’ll call “experience-rich” personally.

I’m heading into two months of nearly weekly travel for client engagements.

Coming into this conference, I knew I’d need to manage my energy so I can show up as the best speaker I can be this afternoon.

I also need to protect my energy for a business retreat next week.

While the highly-responsible and accountable me is whisper-yelling that I should go to all the things at this conference and do all the networking, I’m self-aware enough to know I don’t have it in me.

As much as I’m an extrovert, I don’t love big networking events or conferences. I love walking into small groups of people I don’t know—what a great opportunity to build relationships! But walking into a room of dozens of people is, for me, like walking into a middle school dance. It sucks the energy out of me.

So I’ve made choices.

  • I slept in instead of getting up early to make it to breakfast.
  • I skipped the keynote. I just don’t get geeked out by AI in HR. Sorry not sorry.
  • I’m not going to pressure myself to network-network-network. If opportunities arise for organic conversation, I’ll embrace them, but I’m not going to force it.
  • Tomorrow I’m going to cut out early and go for a hike, something that feeds my soul.

📌 I’m saving my energy for my presentation, because what’s most important is that I provide value to the attendees who choose to spend an hour listening to me talk.

I’ve most definitely felt guilt about not doing “all the things,” and have had to negotiate a bit with myself.

And admittedly, it’s a bit easier since my registration is comped. But even if it wasn’t, I’d be making choices.

So I’m going to be my Minimum Viable Product for much of today. My shadow will be a little lighter and smaller. And that’s ok.

That will help ensure when that shadow needs to be bold and big, when I need to show up at my best, I’m ready and able.

And therein lies my permission to you (which you shouldn’t need from me, but you know how we over-achievers are):

🎯Some days it’s ok to show up as the Minimum Viable Product version of yourself so that you can show up as your best self another day.

Looking to increase the cohesion, trust, and impact of your leadership team? Reach out and let’s discuss The Compass Team Experience and how I can help.

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